Hello Hello My beautiful bloggy friends.
Yes, I do know that I have been MIA for quite awhile. My life has done some changing. I finally quit the job from hell. Justin moved back home, and life has been actualy pretty close to amazing as it could possibly get. I have been going to school during the day, instead of at night until 10:40 every night. I start at 7:50 and I am done most days by 1:40 or 12:40. It is pretty awesome.
I have been spending a lot of time recently hunting, and with my sister in law. I really love hanging out with friends.
I don't really have computer access, but you are all more than Welcome to find me on Facebook. I can get on that through my phone. I will try to write out post, and then type them up and post them when I get a chance. I really miss blogging, and all of the connections that I have made through blogging.
I hope to catch up on all of your lives. I look forward to the challenge. :) :)
Miss you guys..