Is he not the cutest thing in thee entire world. This is the newest addition to our family. I have been beyond baby crazy lately. And it has been the topic of many conversations and fights with my husband. That I want a baby here and now.. no acceptions.
Yesterday I was searching on craigslist, and I have wanted a doxi for the last couple years, and was going to get one, until I met Ellis, and fell in love with my bestie. :] Well.. On CL.. I found Tuck. I called when I got off work and met with the lady and instantly fell in love with him also. && That is how I ended up with my prince. :]
I think that our family is complete now. Three dogs, and two cats. Wooohooo. :]
Welll.. I need to think of some things to write about. Maybe I will do some survey's in here. To pass the time. :] Working a night shift. :]
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