1. when i am nervous i get butterflies in my stomach and feel like shutting down.
2. my favorite item in my closet is my green sweater from Old Navy, I honestly would live in it, if I could..but I am sure people would notice, if all I wore was my green sweater, jeans & some tank.
3. cuddling up with ellie, jake, tucker and justin all in the cal-king size bed watching a movie is my favorite thing to do when i need to relax
4. my favorite childhood memory is riding horses, I lived at the barn when I was little, practically until J and I got together..I still rode quite a bit when he and I got together, but school & work took the place of horses, and I had to put down my mare, so, I was without a horse. :(
5. something you may not know about me is i am kinda a not nice person. I really love all my friends, and people that I don't really know, but the whole act of forgiving someone, is a very hard thing for me to do. I do not like to forgive someone and allow them to be apart of my life again. I feel like I gave you a chance & you chose to not respect that. That was your decision, so why should I feel bad about making the decision for your exit from my life. One of thee only people that I forgive, all the time, is Justin & I am not sure why. lol. Lord knows he has done so many things that are unforgivable, yet I still forgive.
6. a true friend is something I do not have every many of. I can count the amount of people that are true friends to me on one hand. which is kinda sad.
7. something i hope people think of when they think of me that I am caring, and someone that they can trust, that & that I look like a size two & have great hair. :) :) :)
That is all people. Go check out lauren's blog & LINK UP!!
fill in the blank friday.
whew, now that I got that out of the way; I am really excited. We are going to do so many things with our tax money & It really just needs to getttt here. Anyways;; I am totally and fully getting off task.
My car broke down on Monday [yes, two weeks before the projected date of us getting our taxes back, yes a week before Justin and I's fabulous vacation out of town] So we have had to cut into some of our trip money to buy parts for the little red beast & it was looking like we weren't going to be able to go, which was honestly devastating to me. I don't know why, but I was so disapointed. I really really need to have this weekend away. I worked last weekend, and I didn't want to have a weekend off & not be able to go out of town & be stuck at my mother & father in laws. Oh I didn't mention that..did I? J and I live about 15 miles from town, and there was no-one that could come and get me, every day and take me to work, then pick me up & bring me back home..for what could have been two weeks, so J decided we would stay at his moms, also so he could work on the car when he got the parts for it.
My relationship with my in-laws..is well..non-existent. I do not have a relationship. They and I have had more than our fair share of problems in the 4.5 years I have been J's significant other. They don't care for me, I don't care for them. Up until 3 days ago, I had not set foot in their house for over a year. I had not seen since Christmas, and then I did not speak to either of them. Justin and I did not attend Thanksgiving, because it was at their house & we were told that I was not welcome. So fast forward now..spending from 4:30pm-7:15am in their house, without a vehicle, is killing me. And the thought of being stuck there, this weekend, after we had planned such a fun trip to the coast. But everything is working out in our favor.
My beautiful sister in-law is letting us drive her car to the coast to meet them over there & we have a little extra money & hopefully our taxes will get there by Friday and I can deposit the money in the bank, if not, I will have to have someone bring it into town, and deposit it, and hopefully they don't hold it. :)
Other than that, today has gone quite well, I got a massage on my lunch and my neck/shoulder/back have not felt this good in years. :] I had some pretty knarly knots in there. But not anymore. Alrighty, well I am going to browse the blog world..hasta la pasta.
I leave you with a question; Can you tie a
cherry stem in a knot with your tongue?
This survey gets a little personal; can you handle it?
Most of these things, tend to get a little personal..I am an open book though. ♥
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
Absolutely. I love being able to breath, not smelling, having white teeth, and non-yellow walls of my house.
Ever been told "it’s not you, it's me?
Once, and it really was him..not me. :]
Are you excited for anything this week?
Well, more for the weekend & not the week. I work all week, but Friday after work we are leaving for Lincoln City for the Seafood & wine festival & the archery shoot. I am beyond excited.
Are you interested in anyone right now?
My husband..kinda. :) He's a little interesting. hehe.
Do you want to be single?
No, I enjoy being married.
Do you like to take walks?
Mhm, I think J and I need to start going on more walks, buut it is summer almost & it has been getting NICER outside. So hopefully.
Did you go out or stay in last night?
We ended up going to dinner out with Mil and Eric and the kids. And then we went home and I went straight to bed, but Gav and J stayed up & played video games.
How late did you stay up last night? 10. :]
Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?
Almost 5 years ago. When J went from being a pest & cocky, to being someone that I wanted to spend everyday with.
Last three things you had to drink?
Water. Coffee. Gatorade.
Have you pretended to like someone?
More than likely. Any time I am around my mother in-law. hehe. :]
Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it? Never. Love is such a strong word- and I don't use it lightly.
Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
Uhm, yes. I am married. Only my husband though.
Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Yes. Very. Especially if you have been with the person for quite awhile.
What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
I will be almost off work. :] Well. Maybe. I am supposed to work til 330, but I might head out at 1 if we're slow.
Do you think you've changed over the past year?
Oh yes. I think that I have definatly gotten older & more mature. More understand of the people around me and their flaws and strengths. In the last year I have; gotten married, gotten the job of my dreams, been hired on full time to the job of my dreams & discovered that life is choices.
One thing you're not looking forward to?
Getting our taxes back.
Is there something that reminds you of someone every time you see/hear it?
My wedding songs. I love them. Eric Church; Loves your love the most & Chantal Krev-something; Feels like home. Oh how I love that song.
Can you get over people easily?
Not really. I remove people from my life, but I still miss them. They were apart of my life, because I actually did like them.
Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
Cry over the truth. I am in a marriage, that goes to a councelor. I cry over the truth quite often.
Explain your relationship status?
Married. Working on building a future, and hoping to get pregnant in the next two years.
Is something bothering you?
Not really. Just glad to be almost off of my anti-biotics. They have not been good to me.
How are things between the person you like/love?
Lovely. We have our issues, but life is pushing right along.
Did you take a nap today?
I WISH! I have so much to do today. :(
Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it?
J. :(
Has anyone said they love you in the last week?
Multiple people.
What do you hear?
the tv.
Think a lot before you fall asleep?
Nope. Lately I have been so tired. Sleep is just so quick.
Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
Who is the last person you told you loved them?
My hubs.
What's something that bothers you about girls?
I feel like the girls in my town..all try to hit on any guy, married or not. So unless they are married and understand the boundaries of- Hi, this is my husband, if you look at him like a piece of meat, and then try to touch him like he's a new purse- I will slap you. Twice.
Plans for the upcoming month?
Spring break with my neice & nephew. The archery shoot. Lincoln City. Getting insurance through work. Buying a new car. Buying a new wedding ring.
Who was the last person in your presence shirt less?
Flipflops or tennishoes?
What did you wear today?
Currently; Scrub botttom's. Two black tanks. A gray sweater. Crocs. Pony tail.
How many windows are open on your computer?
Do you believe in god?
Absolutely. I love God.
What are you doing after this?
Mm. Probablly drink some coffee. Sneeze a little [because that seems to be what I am doing today.], look online for things to buy with our taxes. :)
What are your siblings names?
Emeli, Kaitlyn and Kendal.
How tall are you?
Would you ever dye your hair blonde?
It is. ♥
What's a word that rhymes with DOOR?
Name the shoe brand you are wearing?
ugg boots.
Do you have trust problems?
Not really.
Whats your favorite show?
Do you write notes on your hand?
Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
not that i know of.
Would you be willing to live with your best friend?
Nope. Living with someone ruins friendships.
Kissed anyone who's name started with an A?
So long ago, I don't even think it counts..
Do you see your dad everyday?
Not really.
What are you excited for?
Getting a new car.
What is the last movie you watched?
Law abiding citizen
What time did you wake up today?
Last thing you ate?
Yogurt with fruit and granola.
Ever felt like you're not good enough?
Have you ever worn the opposite sex clothing?
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
Piece of caaaaake. Going on 5 years.
What will you be doing this weekend?
Going out for Kelly's birthday. ♥
4. Colts, Saints, or could care less?
Could care less. I don't watch sports other than Kaitlyn's basketball games, and even then hardly ever. :]
5. Frozen yogurt or ice cream?
ice cream. ♥
6. Favorite appetizer?
bruchetta. yumm.
7. What item in your closet currently makes you the happiest?
green sweater. hands down.
8.Favorite facial moisturizer?
Neutrogina. It has a small amount of spf. :]
9. If I had two hours to myself today, I'd take a nap, or read the book I keep trying to finish.
10. If I could travel anywhere today, I would go to Seattle zoo.
11. My wedding day seems so far ago.
12. Sometimes you're the boss other times you're just a peon .
13. Beauty is simplicity.
14. I would be embarassed if anyone knew I sometimes don't shut the door when I go to the bathroom.
15. Love at first sight is something that I am not sure I believe in. But I do believe in knowing that a person is going to make an impact in your life. The first night I met Justin, I knew there was something different about him, I knew that he would be something different in my life. He was just different than any other guy, and treated me so much better. ♥
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These are from summer 2009 and some of spring. I love any trip where we take the dogs to the river or lake. :] And there are also rodeo pictures & BMD pictures.
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Hunting over eat with my hubby. No kills, which is a little sad, buttttt we did have an amazing time. :]
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My father is a logger. They cut the tree's to make products. It is his way of life. They replant all if not more trees than originally there. I love the smell of a logging job. :]