Friday, June 25, 2010

Dear Life,

quit fucking me over.

*Note; My life is not going the way that I currently want it to.
I am not happy with the situation that my husband and I are in.
I am not happy with the way he sometimes acts.
I am not happy with the fact that I am having issues with my body.
I am not happy with the fact that cancer is a very likely thing.
And that it is in one of the most non-fun places that it could be.
My cervix. I mean. COME ON!
YOU all know exactly how you get to your cervix.


that is all.
There is nothing left to explain- that is the one MAJOR reason
my life sucks.

thank you all for your concern. ily. ♥


  1. Dear Shelby - please talk to me on messenger. Love - your disgruntled Friday date :)

  2. Oh no :(

    Text me if you need anything.

    Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

  3. Oh no,
    Hang in there.

    Lots of love

    SSG xxx

  4. Not that I really know you, but I truly hope things work out and that you are doing ok.

  5. Oh no!!! oh Shelby..... HUgs HUgs Hugs....


I heart comments. I will get back to you if you comment, either by email or by going to your blog & commenting back. :)